Ragnhild Munthe-Kaas

Tittel og arbeidssted:

Spesialist i geriatri PhD, Medisinsk avdeling, Kongsberg sykehus.


Utredning og behandling av delir, kognitiv funksjon hos eldre, risiko for kognitiv svikt etter hjerneslag.

Utvalgte vitenskapelige publikasjoner:

Luzum G, Thrane G, Aam S, Eldholm RS, Grambaite R, Munthe-Kaas R, Thingstad P, Saltvedt I, Askim T. A machine learning approach to predict post-stroke fatigue. The Nor-COAST study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2024 May;105(5):921-929.

Nerdal V, Gjestad E, Saltvedt I, Munthe-Kaas R, Ihle-Hansen H, Ryum T, Lydersen S, Grambaite R. The relationship of acute delirium with cognitive and psychiatric symptoms after stroke: a longitudinal study. BMC Neurol. 2022 Jun 27;22(1):234

Munthe-Kaas R, Aam S, Saltvedt I, Wyller TB, Pendlebury ST, Lydersen S, Hagberg G, Schellhorn T, Rostoft S, Ihle-Hansen H. Is Frailty Index a better predictor than pre-stroke modified Rankin Scale for neurocognitive outcomes 3-months post-stroke? BMC Geriatr. 2022 Feb 19;22(1):139.

Aam S, Gynnild MN, Munthe-Kaas R, Saltvedt I, Lydersen S, Knapskog AB, Ihle-Hansen H, Ellekjær H, Eldholm RS, Fure B. The impact of vascular risk factors on post-stroke cognitive impairment: The Nor-COAST study. Front Neurol. 2021 Aug 5;12:678794. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.678794

Schellhorn T, Zucknick M, Askim T, Munthe-Kaas R, Ihle-Hansen H, Seljeseth YM, Knapskog AB, Næss H, Ellekjær H, Thingstad P, Wyller TB, Saltvedt I, Beyer MK. Pre-stroke cognitive impairment is associated with vascular imaging pathology: a prospective observational study. BMC Geriatr. 2021 Jun 14;21(1):362

Einstad MS, Saltvedt I, Lydersen S, Ursin MH, Munthe-Kaas R, Ihle-Hansen H, Knapskog AB, Askim T, Beyer MK, Næss H, Seljeseth YM, Ellekjær H, Thingstad P. Associations between post-stroke motor and cognitive function: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatr. 2021 Feb 5;21(1):103

Munthe-Kaas R, Aam S, Saltvedt I, Wyller TB, Pendlebury ST, Lydersen S, Ihle-Hansen H. Test accuracy of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in screening for early poststroke neurocognitive disorder. Stroke. 2021 Jan;52(1):317-320.

Munthe-Kaas R, Aam S, Ihle-Hansen H, Lydersen S, Knapskog AB, Wyller TB, Fure B, Thingstad P, Askim T, Beyer MK, Næss H, Seljeseth YM, Ellekjær H, Pendlebury ST, Saltvedt I. Impact of different methods defining post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: The Nor-COAST study. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2020 Mar 16;6(1):e12000